Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Homebrew has been dropping some of the cooolest stuff ive heard in a while, id highly reccomend checkin out this ep him and haz have put together...shits dope.

Now don’t get me wrong, there ain’t nothing like a good old fashioned fatal stabbing or gruesome murder to help distract from the normal boring reality that is life. And we all need a healthy helping of Home and Away’s drama once in a while when the only thing we have to look forward to is an afternoon shit. But who said music had to be like an episode of Law and Order or a Friday night out with Millie Holmes? Sure, I love hearing a few of Ricky D’s great adventures as much as the next guy in an eye patch and I could listen to Raekwon talk about the different things you can do with baking soda till I gotta bite my ipod to get the battery working. But sometimes, just sometimes, when I’ve played ‘Murder Music’ 3 times over on repeat and I’ve heard Necro rhyme crack pipe 17 different ways, all I wana do is chill out and listen to Q-Tip tell me about the day he lost his wallet. Cause I can relate to that. I ain’t ever been to El Segundo, but I’ve filled out an application for a new eftpos card and that shit is frustrating.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is. Sometimes life is boring. It just is. So when you’re listening to the new E.P from Home Brew, produced by Haz’ and DJ Truent, who both have never sold crack cocaine or served time in San Quentin for crimes against humanity (although Haz’ did get arrested that one time for pissing in public, but he pled diversion in the end and only got community service) don’t be mad if the beats don’t sound like your favourite wrestlers intro music and the lyrics don’t make you want to head butt a bouncer. Just turn it up. Grab a beer or a wine or whatever the fuck it is you prefer to drink, smoke, snort or shelve to take away from the normal boring reality that is your life and relax.

And understand that ‘Last Week’ won’t give you the same adrenalin rush shop lifting will and it isn’t as exciting as that dude you know who named all his kids after xmen characters. It’s just a normal 7 track EP about the normal boring reality that is life. 7 tracks we wrote last week all about.. well.. last week. And really bro.. That’s it.


Tom. (Home Brew)



